- 这个拥有1200万人口的城市有着充满激情的饮食文化,令人兴奋的是它既保留了传统的简陋粥店,也有高级的餐馆。
- The city of 12 million has a passionate food culture , with equal excitement reserved for the opening of a hole-in-the-wall congee joint and a high-end restaurant .
- 图212010年1月29日,一名劫犯从太子港市中心一栋毁坏的建筑墙上的洞里离开。
- 21 A looter leaves a damaged building through a hole in a wall in downtown port-au-prince january 29 , 2010 .
- 另一位则画了一把巨大的剪刀在墙上沿着虚线剪出了一个洞。
- Another has drawn a giant pair of scissors cutting a hole in the wall along a dotted line .