- 共和党领袖对茶党的集会表示赞赏,私底下却怀疑这场运动会走向何方。
- Republican party leaders praised the rallies , but privately wondered where the revolt would lead .
- 大部分欧洲大型私有企业同样创立于1950年以前;这通常已经是很久远的事了。
- Europe 's big privately held firms , too , mostly date from before 1950 , often a very long time before .
- 例如,eulerhermes是德国一家国有的出口信贷机构,但它也在其它市场作为私有机构参与竞争。
- Euler hermes , for instance , is the public eca in germany , but also competes privately in other markets .