- 他们遇到了突如其来的暴风。
- They faced a sudden storm .
- 一个突如其来的情感让他们相遇。
- That a sudden feeling united them .
- 那突如其来的热量能破坏他们的消化机制。
- That sudden heat can disable their digestive machinery .
- 巴勒斯坦、黎巴嫩和伊朗这些国家与以色列随时有可能爆发冲突。
- A conflict involving israel could easily break out in palestine lebanon or iran .
- 正常情况下,当价格战爆发时,较弱的公司会被淘汰。
- Normally when price wars break out weaker companies head for the exit .
- 尽管收购事宜仍在谈论之中,但ups和联邦快递之间或许会爆发一场竞价战争。
- Talks are continuing but a bidding war may break out between ups and fedex .
- 但最新爆发的恶感可能损害两国间欣欣向荣的经贸往来。
- But the latest outburst of ill feeling threatens to undermine their flourishing economic ties .
- 结果这种留声机和贝尔的格拉福风留声机之间爆发了激烈的竞争。
- The upshot was an outburst of intense competition between the phonograph and bell 's machine the graphophone .
- 然而,毫无疑问,州长们自由观点的集中爆发反映了权力的的进一步转变。
- Still , there seems little doubt that the outburst of freelancing by governors is both reflecting and furthering a shift in the balance of power .