- 12月27日以色列空袭加沙现场血惺图片!
- Clearheaded photograph of israel air raid gaza on december 27 scene blood !
- 空袭警报使人们纷纷往自己的家跑去了。
- Air-raid alarm sent people dashing toward their home .
- 但是在挖掘之下,他们诧异的发现尘封已久的一个二战时期的防空洞竟然藏在他们家的花坛下。
- But following excavation work , the couple were stunned to find a long-lost second world war air raid shelter hidden under their flowers .
- 美国公共交通工人皆不能罢工。
- American public-transport workers generally cannot strike .
- 这是本年度在卡布尔发生的第二起大规模袭击。
- This was the second big strike in kabul this year .
- 这是第二次这样的攻击在过去的3天。
- This was the second such strike in the past three days .