- 世界失去了一位有远见的人。
- The world has lost a visionary .
- 有远见的领导者必须培养成功的文化。
- Visionary leaders are required for successful culture .
- 梦想家总是思考未来,然而律师必须注重先例。
- A visionary thinks about the future , but a lawyer 's stock-in-trade is precedent .
- 西方政策不应为了获取短期而且往往虚幻的利益而支持专制统治者,而是应设法激发阿拉伯社会中有望最终取代他们的力量。
- Instead of propping up tyrants for short-term and often illusory gains , western policy needs to find ways of stimulating the forces in arab society that might eventually replace them .
- 那种自鸣得意的想法一旦在2008年底被削弱,表面上风平浪静的欧洲循环突然变得邪恶起来结果变得与其建立其上的房产泡沫一样短命和虚幻。
- Once that complacency was punctured in late 2008 , the apparently benevolent european cycle suddenly became vicious , turning out to be as short-lived and as illusory as the asset bubbles on which it was built .
- 如果出现这种情况,盈余国家所吹嘘的“储蓄”将是虚幻的:在事后,卖方融资成为公开的出口补贴。
- If so , the vaunted " savings " of surplus countries will prove to have been illusory : vendor finance becomes , after the fact , open export subsidies .
- 我不想听太多那虚假的承诺。
- I don 't wanna hear too much illusive words .
- 梦幻意象是当代女性散文的艺术表现形式之一。
- Illusive image is one artistic expression in contemporary female prose .
- 不管我们做什么,都不能找到内在的和谐,从而使我们的任何努力看起来都那么虚幻和不真实。
- No matter what we do we can 't find that inner balance that almost seems illusive and unreal .
- 孟昕:过去五年中,农民工的工资出现了大幅增长。
- Xm : over the past five years , migrant worker wages have increased significantly .
- 孟昕:这些政策已经存在好几年了,但执行起来却非常缓慢。
- Xm : the policies have existed for a few years now but implementation has been extremely slow .
- 孟昕:农民工工资总是要低一些。
- Xm : migrants have always been at the lower end of the wage distribution .
- 阴暗的天空令人感到沉闷。
- The overcast sky is stifling .
- 也许天空是你所喜欢的。
- Perhaps yours is the sky .
- 你不会拥有太多的天空。
- You can never have too much sky .