- 而我们也去了那个美丽的圆顶形状的圣心大教堂。
- And we were at the sacre coeur cathedral that beautiful dome shape cathedral .
- fuller的追随者们很快便将他对于穹顶建筑的主张发扬光大到了极致。
- Fuller 's followers were quick to take his claims for the dome at full value .
- 穹顶的构造很独特,不用大梁或圆柱,仅靠自身支撑。
- The dome is a unique construction that supports itself without girders or columns .
- 一座庞大的金库就在地底下。
- An immense vault lies underground .
- 在美国佐治亚州,一名小女孩在一银行金库中呆了2小时。
- In georgia a little girl spent two hours in a bank vault .
- 她的钱包,装有所有证件的钱包,落在了金库里。
- Her wallet , which contained all of her documents , was in the vault .