- 这实际上是什么意思?
- What does this actually mean ?
- 我实际上挺享受这个过程。
- I enjoyed the process actually .
- 这实际上是相当清楚的。
- That is actually quite clear .
- 我真没有选择的余地。
- I really had no choice .
- 我们真要这样说话吗?
- Are we really doing this ?
- 它实际上是针对德国的。
- It was really about germany .
- 深度分析你的调查数据。
- Critically analyze your research data .
- 为什么这类调查被人们忽视?
- Why is this research being ignored ?
- 为你的调查写一篇报道。
- Make a report about your research .