- 考虑到他们脆弱的适应能力,非洲沙哈拉地区的小农业生产者、小庄园主、渔业生产者同样属于最易受气候变化冲击的人群。
- In view of their limited adaptive capacity , smallholder farmers , pastoralists and artisanal fishers in ssa are among the most vulnerable to the impact of climate change .
- 考虑到他们脆弱的适应能力,非洲沙哈拉地区的小农业生产者、小庄园主、渔业生产者同样属于最易受气候变化冲击的人群。
- In view of their limited adaptive capacity , smallholder farmers , pastoralists and artisanal fishers in ssa are among the most vulnerable to the impact of climate change .
- 摘要将零星的、缺乏系统的信息从理论上加以分类,按问题整合为有限责任的正当性问题、价值评判、外部风险论争、效率之争,并对其逐一予以分析,以期对我国的有限责任制度建设有所帮助。
- This paper categorizes the fragmentary and unsystematic information theoretically , and conforms such issues as the legitimacy of limited liability , value judgment , external risk controversy and analysis each of them individually with a view that it would be helpful to the construction of limited liability system in china .