- 最好的赞美该是言之有物的。
- The best praise is specific .
- 人们表扬你哪方面你做得好?
- What did people praise you on doing ?
- 可是赞扬是必不可少的。
- But praise must be given .
- 检查你所有的个人文件,寻找在你的行业中所获得的推荐信,奖励等等。
- Go through your files and look for letters of commendation , awards , etc. you earned in your industry .
- 不像其他诸如巴西、埃塞俄比亚等咖啡出口国,越南的咖啡豆通常用在廉价的西方速溶咖啡上,很少赢得国际赞誉。
- Unlike coffee exports from countries such as brazil and ethiopia , vietnamese beans are typically used in cheap instant western coffee , which earns scant international commendation .
- 5月10日激烈的总统,国会和地区大选过后,菲律宾沐浴在一片赞誉声中,国际社会赞扬菲利用计算机技术达成了有史以来第一次表面无争议的选举结果。
- In the aftermath of heated presidential , congressional and local elections on may 10th , the philippines basked in the glow of international commendation of its use of computer technology to produce , for the first time , seemingly indisputable results .