- 本研究结合社会科学及电脑科技将原本隐含在个人脑海中虚拟的想像世界具体呈现,叠合在实体空间中,藉由说故事理论、沉浸的声音理论、地点特定资讯、部落格科技及空间感知技术实现。
- This paper describes a course of research integrating the social sciences and computing technology to realize the individual inner world upon the physical world by storytelling , immersive audio , location-specific content , blog and location-aware technology .
- 著名游戏设计师harveysmith曾领衔设计了包括“网络奇兵”和“盗贼”在内的许多游戏,他认为最引人入胜的游戏经验并不依赖奇特的技术,而是要靠好的设计和创造连贯可信的游戏世界的能力。
- Harvey smith , a respected game designer who has worked on titles including " system shock " and " thief " , says the most immersive experiences depend not on fancy technology , but on good design , and the ability to create a coherent and believable game world .