- 一群赤身裸体的囚犯互相枕籍,一个蒙着头巾的人被绑在箱子上,全身缠着电线这些图片怎么看都与美国向长夜漫漫的国度传播民主的使命不符。
- A stack of naked prisoners piled on top of one another , a man with a hood over his head perched on a box and connected to electrical wires-how to reconcile these images with america 's mission to bring democracy to a benighted land ?
- 照片不能很好地显示恒星的不同亮度,但是我们用肉眼可以很明显地看出:三个几乎在同一条直线上的恒星构成了“蝎子头”。
- Photographs don 't show the brightness differences between stars well , but to the naked eye delta is obviously the brightest star in the nearly vertical row of three forming the head of scorpius .
- 解剖台上躺着亨利.阿姆斯特朗的裸尸,被一锹砍下的头颅满是血污和泥土。
- Stretched naked on a long table lay the body of henry armstrong , the head defiled with blood and clay from a blow with a spade .