- 有些国家过去的边缘政党跻身主流之列,并常常扮演决定大权的角色。
- In some countries former fringe parties have joined the mainstream , often holding the balance of power .
- 许多银行发起了按揭支持证券却未能将其发售出去,结果在他们自己的帐簿上堆积了过多的风险。
- Many banks originated mortgage-backed securities but then failed to distribute them , holding far too much of the risk on their own balance-sheets .
- 如果这样行之有效,那么从无礼对待或者粗暴排斥某人中获得的微薄补偿,可以开始抵消掉积怨的负面效应。
- If so , that meager recompense we gain from treating someone badly or ostracizing them hardly begins to balance out all the negative effects of holding a grudge .