- 九克铀分散成大约15000颗包裹在石墨里的微小粒子。
- Nine grams of uranium are dispersed among some 15000 tiny particles within the graphite .
- 这会动摇现有的工业,使得经济和政治权力保持分散状态。
- This destabilises existing industries , keeping economic and political power dispersed .
- 埃及突击部队正疏散袭击者,大约80个外交官和他们的家人滞留在以色列机场。
- Some 80 diplomats and their families left in israeli aircraft as egyptian commandos dispersed the assailants .
- 据布罗哈波尔德公司的结构工程师乔其凯里利斯介绍说,当建造和平宫的时候这种气温变化带来的挑战尤其难对付。
- According to george keliris , a structural engineer at buro happold , this temperature variance proved particularly challenging when constructing the palace of peace .
- 许多公司都会计算实际的制造费用与标准的制造费用之间的总差异。
- Many companies compute a total variance between actual overhead cost incurred and standard overhead cost applied to production .
- 最小变异投资组合绩效研究:以消费者信心指数建构买进且持有的投资组合。
- Minimum variance portfolio holding period performance : constructing buy-and-hold portfolio using consumer confidence index .
- 移民也帮助了思想的传播。
- Diasporas also help spread ideas .
- 但自那以后好斗情绪蔓延。
- But since then militancy has spread .
- 但是知识也是会传播的。
- But the knowledge can also spread .