- 祸兮!福之所倚;福兮!祸之所伏.
- It is on calamity that good fortune perches ; it is beneath good fortune that calamity crouches .
- 虽然我对电影《乔布斯传》(Jobs)的总体评价是“无聊”,甚至《财富》杂志(Fortune)的亚当•拉辛斯基给出了更刺耳的“糟糕透顶”这样的评价,但我认为电影主演艾什顿•库彻表现得太好了。
- While overall the new movie jobs rates a definitive ' meh ' from me , and an even harsher , " soooo bad , " from fortune 's adam lashinsky , I thought ashton kutcher in the lead role was pretty damn good .
- 就如《财富》杂志(Fortune)去年夏天的专题报道所述,麦当劳市场定位良好,旱涝保收,因为人总是要吃饭的。
- And as fortune featured last summer , mcdonald 's is well positioned , since consumers tend to eat there in good and bad times .