- 与之相似的是,土耳其皇帝们的上层奴隶武装禁卫军,也不被允许结婚生子。
- Similarly the janissaries the elite slave troops of the ottoman emperors were not allowed to marry .
- 类似地,作为土耳其苏丹的精锐奴隶部队的土耳其禁卫军不允许结婚。
- Similarly , the janissaries , the elite slave troops of the ottoman emperors , were not allowed to marry .
- 马穆鲁克的意思是效忠于苏丹王朝单代贵族阶层,同样,奥斯曼王朝的精英奴隶兵禁卫军,也不允许结婚。
- The mamluks were meant to be a kind of one-generation nobility owing loyalty only to the sultan . Similarly , the janissaries , the elite slave troops of the ottoman emperors , were not allowed to marry .
- 李尤娜和李劳拉在中朝边境被朝鲜卫兵逮捕,当时她们正在为总部设立在加州的网络电台currenttv收集有关朝鲜难民的新闻报道.
- Euna lee and laura ling were arrested by north korean guards while working on the china-north korea border on a story about refugees for california-based internet broadcaster current tv .
- 因不满英国政府提高公务员退休年龄并要求公务员缴纳更多养老金,英国的教师、边防卫兵、驾驶考试考官和其他政府工作人员周四进行了为期一天的罢工活动。
- Teachers , border guards , driving-test examiners and other u.k. government workers mounted a one-day strike on thursday over plans to raise their retirement age and require them to pay more toward their pensions .
- 第一个问题:伊朗边境的卫兵会认可我的签证,并且允许一个英国人过境吗?
- Question number one : would the iranian border guards honour my visa and allow a british national across ?