- 当我们考虑是否一个“概念”应该成为一个trait或者一个类的时候,记住作为混入的trait对于“附属”行为来说最有意义。
- When considering whether a " concept " should be a trait or a class , keep in mind that traits as mixins make the most sense for " adjunct " behavior .
- 本文就婴儿依恋感形成和抚育者的心态等问题作一研究,为建立婴儿培育新模式提供某些操作性的实例。
- This article studies the formation of baby 's anaclitic sense and the nurse 's status of mind , so as to provide some operational examples for the building of a new pattern of baby 's cultivation .
- 但是,任何用心意来控制感官的人,阿诸那啊,他就开始从事通过不渴求其结果的感官活动,把个体意识(知觉)融合统一于根本意识(觉知),他就更高级了。
- But anyone who regulates the senses by the mind , o arjuna , begins the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness by the actions of the working sense organs without desire for results ; he is superior .
- 唯有神在掌管一切。
- Only god is in control .
- 为什么我要赞美神呢?
- Why should I praise god ?
- 然后花些时间赞美神。
- Take time to praise god .