- 黑人民权运动是由神职人员领导的,其中最著名的是马丁路德金博士。
- The black civil rights movement was led by clergy , most famously by dr martin luther king .
- 穆斯林牧师鼓励公开讨论有关性的问题,他们已经发起了预防艾滋病的运动。
- Muslim clergy encourage open discussion about sex and have led aids prevention campaigns .
- 数以千计的朝圣者、游客和神职人员都参加了这项活动。
- Thousands of pilgrims , tourists and clergy members took part .
- 林伽教派拒绝吠陀和婆罗门祭司,还有所有的种姓差别。
- Virasaivism rejected the vedas , the brahman priesthood , and all caste distinction .
- 这是一个牺牲的祭司必需品的人的普遍的罪恶。
- It is the universal sinfulness of man which makes a sacrificing priesthood a necessity .
- 这反映在神职人员招聘数量的骤减以及礼拜出勤率的急剧下滑上。
- This is reflected in the fast diminishing recruitment for priesthood as well as rapidly decreasing church attendances .
- barcamp的赞助者包括了缅甸电信部。
- Sponsors of barcamp included the telecommunications ministry .
- 阿尔及利亚外交部否认了这一报道。
- Algeria 's foreign ministry had denied that report .
- 卫生部和环保总局均拒绝置评。
- The ministry and sepa both declined to comment .