- 对不起,对不起,神父,我控制不住。
- I 'm sorry . I 'm sorry , abbe . I couldn 't help it .
- 帽子经过了每一位祷告人之后,回到神甫那里。
- Hat after every prayer since , back to the abbe there .
- 您既是神甫,我就得和您说,从前在我们牢里有个布道神甫。
- Since you are an abbe , I will tell you that we had a chaplain in the galleys .
- 爸爸挽着我的胳膊。
- My father took my arm .
- 你能让自己不爱爸爸吗?
- Could you help loving father ?
- 那他父亲怎么做呢?
- What does his father do ?