- 金融之神可能会低声笑起来。
- The gods of finance might chuckle .
- 神仍然会困惑,因为我们知道后来发生的事情。
- Gods nevertheless , because we know what happened later .
- 在日间耀眼夺目的神灵将会死去,每天一次。
- The dazzling gods of day would return to their daily death .
- 在2012年伦敦奥运会上,我们崇拜的“神明”是和平、卓越和未来。
- At the 2012 london games , we worship such " deities " as peace , excellence and the future .
- 穿戴整齐后,父母会带小朋友上日本神社,祈求并感谢神明给小朋友带来健康和快乐。
- After children were dressed parents will take them to japanese shinto to pray and thank the deities to bring health and happiness to children .
- 掌管天气(和财富)的战神关帝,是在渔民和商人之间都最受尊奉的神灵。
- Being the commander of weather ( and wealth ) , guandi , the god of war , is one of the most popular deities among the fisherfolk as well as businessmen .
- 历史学家则把圣母玛丽的尊崇与某些基督教之前宗教的女性神祗联系起来,如埃及的伊西斯神;追随者心目中,她是哺育着神圣婴孩的女性形象。
- Secular historians would link the veneration of mary to the pre-christian cult of female divinities , such as the egyptians ' isis-who was conceived by her followers as a madonna figure nursing a holy child-or the romans ' diana .
- 我们意识到长年以来我们所膜拜的并不是所谓的神,或者说他们只是在利用我们对力量的贪欲。
- We realized that what we were worshipping could not be divinities , or they would not try to rob us of our ideals with a lust for power .
- 那些知晓泰坦的蓝龙们把他们作为魔法的强力使用者和创造者来敬仰,但是他们只是认为泰坦是优秀的导师和典范,而非应该被供奉的神。
- Those dragons that know of the titans respect them as powerful users of magic and as creators , but they consider the titans good examples and mentors , not divinities to be worshipped .