- 近代民族国家形成时期,英国顺应时代发展的需要进行了宗教改革,建立了民族教会,即国教安立甘宗,彻底摆脱了罗马教廷的控制。
- During the formation of modern nation-states , england conducted the reformation and founded the national church , namely the anglican , to comply with the request of social development , which completely freed them from the control of the roman catholic church .
- 儿童理想化特征的形成既有儿童自身的因素,也有社会环境的影响。
- There are many factors in the formation of children 's idealization , including children themselves as well as the influence from social environment .
- 吉尔两种技艺的混合:腓利门书中的修辞字眼、修辞图像和社会形构。
- Jeal blending two arts : rhetorical words , rhetorical pictures , and social formation in the letter to philemon .