- 我碰巧知道有那么几本不错的!
- I happen to know of a few good ones !
- 如果你家中碰巧有一个,那么别忽视它。
- If you happen to have one at home then don 't ignore it .
- 泰勒和我不过是碰巧指纹相同罢了,可没人懂这些。
- Tyler and I just happen to have the same fingerprints but no one understands .
- 宋先生变得这么有影响力并不是偶然的。
- Mr. soong didn 't become so influential by chance .
- 对一个你在树林中偶然遇到的陌生人说话。
- Talked to a stranger you meet by chance in the wood .
- 在一次偶然的晚上我碰见了她而且得到了她的电子邮箱。
- I ran into her by chance one night and got her e-mail address .