- 13层的法庭被记者围得水泄不通,卡恩缓慢走进来接受传讯,他身穿深色西装、蓝色衬衫,佩戴深蓝色领带。
- In a 13th floor courtroom packed with reporters , mr. strauss-kahn walked in slowly for his arraignment , wearing a dark suit , blue dress shirt and dark-blue tie .
- 一些暗蓝色的炎细胞散在分布于粥样硬化病灶内。
- A few dark blue inflammatory cells are scattered within the atheroma .
- 这个绿松色的礁湖,位于法国波利尼西亚群岛的萨摩亚环礁,于周围深蓝色的太平洋形成了强烈的对比,这幅图片是8月13号由航天员拍摄。
- The turquoise lagoon of french polynesia 's mataiva atoll stands out against the dark blue of the surrounding pacific ocean in an image taken by an astronaut on august 13 .
- 为什么地狱的颜色是蓝的?
- Why the hell is the sky blue ?
- 他那双愤世嫉俗的蓝眼睛紧盯着我。
- His cynical blue eyes bore into me .
- 过去吉姆就总是喜欢她穿蓝的。
- Jim had always liked her in blue .
- 一位娇艳的少妇,手里拿一把玉坠羽扇,慢慢走过来。
- A gorgeous woman taking a jade pendant feather fan , was coming over slowly .
- 街边有供应商卖各种东西,劳力士表、t恤衫、丝巾和翡翠应有尽有。
- The street is lined with vendors selling everything from " real fake " rolex watches to t-shirts , silk scarves and jade .
- 原来的商贸路线上重新出现了一队队的车辆,不过这一次他们运输的是原油、翡翠、士兵和日益增多的旅客们。
- Its trade routes once again teem with caravans , this time carrying crude oil , jade , soldiers and , increasingly , tourists .