- 图中右边那一片明亮的白光是猎户座星云,它是天空中最明亮的星云之一,冬天的夜晚肉眼清晰可见,距地球大约1350光年。
- The orion nebula is the bright patch of light to the right : one of the brightest nebulae in the sky , it is clearly visible to the naked eye on winter nights and lies about 1350 light years from earth .
- 就在他万念俱灰时,神秘人物傅山利用真气将李强改造成高大俊美的年轻人,带领他穿越星空,从地球瞬移到火。
- In his despair , the mysterious figure fushan li li qiang , with infuriating to transform into a tall , handsome young man , led him across the sky and teleport to mars from earth .
- 日全食时,月球从太阳前穿过,月球距离地球太远且体积小,所以在天空中完全遮住太阳。
- As in a total solar eclipse , the moon crosses in front of the sun , but the moon is too far from earth and appears too small in the sky to blot out the sun completely .