- 奥斯汀新闻第8频道电视台播放了一位摄影师拍摄的视频,画面显示一个像是流星的白色火球剧烈燃烧着划过星期日清晨的蓝色天空。
- Video shot by a photographer from news 8 tv in austin showed what appeared to be a meteor-like white fireball blazing across a clear blue sky sunday morning .
- 然而,在被一环晴空包围的云洞区域我们可以看到冰特有的闪亮蓝色。
- In the hole-punch clouds , however , we see the iridescent blue signature of ice , surrounded by a halo of clear sky .
- 为什么我们的坏心情突然不告而别,好像砖头长了翅膀飞走,消失在晴朗的天空?
- And how come our bad moods lift so unexpectedly , like a brick sprouting wings and disappearing into the clear blue sky ?