- ladygaga真名stefanigermanotta她几乎从不抛弃下她亲密的茶杯和茶碟。
- Lady gaga - real name stefani germanotta - is hardly ever without her trusty teacup and saucer .
- 据说georgewashington跟thomasjefferson说过,参议院就是一个茶碟,法律(如茶水般)被倾注其中进行冷却。
- The senate , so george washington is reputed to have told thomas jefferson , is a saucer into which legislation is poured to cool it down .
- 一套茶杯和茶托竟然要收你49英镑不过话又说回来,它们镶着22克拉的镀金。
- A tea cup and saucer will set you back 49 - but then again they are hand gilded in 22 carat gold .
- 这里是一小托盘秧苗,我们把它放进去。
- And that 's a little tray of seedlings to go in .
- 从冰箱中取出并捏成球状,然后放在托盘上用叉子轻轻地压平。
- Remove from fridge and roll into balls , place on tray and slightly flatten with a fork .
- 往方形冰块盘里倒上一些无泡汽水,每个小格中插上牙签,结冰后便可享受你的成果。
- Pour some in an ice cube tray , stick toothpicks in each space , and enjoy your treats after they freeze .