- 印有花图案的织物。
- A fabric with a floral pattern .
- 一个围着花围裙的干瘪老妪。
- An aged crone a floral apron .
- 珠芽发育及两侧对称花的基因遗传发育及演化。
- Evolutionary developmental genetics of bulbil inflorescence and floral symmetry .
- 现在研究者阐明了花能够分辨出黄油爱好者的能力。
- Now researchers have illuminated the flower 's ability to ferret out butter fans .
- 灰绿色的颈部增添了与此华丽花朵令人惊喜的鲜明对比。
- The lime green throats add amazing contrast to this magnificent flower .
- 有一簇十分蔚蓝的花朵总会会引起我的注意。
- There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eye .
- 随后手术去除了那个点样病灶。
- Surgeons later removed that spot .
- 而且,现货价格容易波动。
- Spot prices are also volatile .
- 挑战在于如何发现这些机会。
- The challenge is to spot them .