- 我们应该重新校准一下这个秤的定盘星。
- We need to reset the weight marks on this steelyard .
- 她位于风景如画的南砣子、泊石湾、童牛岭海滨旅游带。
- She is located in picturesque south steelyard weight son shiwan park , tong ling seaside tourism with cattle .
- 如果不能重锤猛敲,势必就会把残缺的知识带到考场,歪曲的原理当成真理,把业已形成的错误的思维定势强化巩固,就会在同一个地方跌倒,把自己摔得鼻青脸肿。
- If cannot the steelyard weight knock fiercely , will arrive inevitably the incomplete knowledge belt the examination place , will twist the principle will regard the truth , mistake 's thought einstellung strengthening which will already form is consolidated , will tumble in the identical place , will fall black and blue oneself .