- 伦敦大学学院(universitycollegelondon)宪法专业信息学专家兼荣誉高级研究员吉姆阿莫斯(jimamos)认为,这不是事实。
- According to jim amos , an information specialist and honorary senior research fellow at university college london 's constitution unit , it wasn 't true .
- 但在nasa太空生物学研究人员wolfe-simon的实验室中,这种有机体学会了如何依赖砷而存活,而非磷。
- But in the laboratory of wolfe-simon , a nasa astrobiology research fellow , the organisms learned to live with arsenic instead of phosphorus .
- 大卫.贝蒂,一位在格拉斯哥mrc社会和公共健康科学所工作同时也是维尔康姆特莱瑟特慈善研究机构成员的博士,以及他的同事们发现了低智商和由事故,冠心病和自杀等引起的死亡的高风险有着很强的联系。
- Dr david batty , a wellcome trust research fellow at the mrc social and public health sciences unit in glasgow , and colleagues , found that a lower iq was strongly associated with a higher risk of death from causes such as accidents , coronary heart disease and suicide .