- 为了使直升机在尘土中安全地着陆需要复杂的激光扫描仪去探测被旋翼的倒灌气流扬起的灰尘所隐藏的障碍物。
- To land a chopper safely in the dirt requires sophisticated laser scanners to detect obstacles hidden by dust thrown up by the downdraught of the rotors .
- 尽管存在着来自传统地面火力的威胁(尤其是在狭窄的峡谷里),乘坐直升机依然要比在暗藏伏击或者根本不存在的道路上行进更好。
- Despite the risk from old-fashioned ground fire , particularly in narrow valleys , a ride in a chopper is still better than land travel on ambush-ridden or non-existent roads .
- 这项高科技直升机项目计划替代美国总统的正在老化的直升机编队,在巴拉克奥巴马上台时就超支了50%还多。
- This high-tech helicopter project , intended to replace the president 's aging chopper fleet , was running more than 50 % over budget by the time barack obama took office .
- 他眼中只有美人,没有规避美人后面还有个武松手里的大刀。
- His eyes only beauty , no evading beauty behind a wu-song hand the broadsword .
- 着重叙述并分析了福建大刀会活动的社会功能。
- The paper mainly relates and analyzes the social functions of activities organized by fujian broadsword society .
- “重剑”是你想的名字吗?
- " Broadsword . " Did you come up with that ?
- 长刀民兵是执长刀(幸运的话,还会有盔甲)的普通居民,他们组成足以防卫城镇的部队。
- Bill militia are commoners handed a billhook and if lucky some armour , then formed into a unit to defend a settlement .
- 不光因为他们身披重装板甲,手握长刀,同时它们也更为训练有素。
- Not only are they heavily armoured in plate armour and armed with a billhook , they are trained to be more effective units in combat as well .