- 因为就像安德森维尔这个地名在北方臭不可闻一样,罗克艾兰在每个有亲属囚禁在那里的南方人心目中也只能引起恐怖。
- For even as andersonville was a name that stank in the north , so was rock island one to bring terror to the heart of any southerner who had relatives imprisoned there .
- 上面的这张照片所表示了密歇根州麦基诺岛上的石拱门。
- Pictured above is arch rock on mackinac island , michigan .
- 故事是这样的:在距离这块纺锤形岩石13英里的地方,有个更大些的岛,叫做豪勋爵岛。
- Here 's the story : about 13 miles from this spindle of rock , there 's a bigger island , called lord howe island .