- 附近的布罗克利要塞仍未被挖掘,其存在的唯一线索是长满草的土堆中间的一块雕刻石板。
- Nearby brocolitia fort remains unexcavated , the only hint of its existence being a grassy mound with a carved stone slab in the centre .
- 将强大的金属武器通过石雕进行艺术再现,传统的雕塑价值观和机械化战争的残酷性在这里迸发冲突矛盾,使人惊叹又感到荒诞的意味。
- The rendition of a mighty metal firearm in artfully carved stone is eerie , the conflict between traditional sculptural values and the brutality of mechanised war shocking and grotesque .
- 附近的布罗克利要塞仍未被挖掘,其存在的唯一线索是长满草的土堆中间的一块雕刻石板。
- Nearby brocolitia fort remains unexcavated , the only hint of its existence being a grassy mound with a carved stone slab in the centre .