- 他们每人得到一大块肉,这些肉是用奇形怪状的石刀分割开的。
- Everyone got a chunk of meat which was distributed by a bizarre stone knife .
- 它是为印加帝国的领导者建的一个行宫,展现出极大的艺术技巧城墙由丰富的干石建成,没有用一点灰泥,石块精准地被切割,以至于石块之间连一个刀锋都插不进去。
- It was intended as a mountain retreat for the leaders of incan empire and shows great artistry - the abundant dry stone walls entirely built without mortar and the blocks cut so carefully that one can 't insert a knife-blade between the massive blocks .
- 地板上放着的石头小炉子上炖着满满一锅肉,他用刀是来做他的晚饭。
- A pot full of meat was starting to simmer upon a small , stone stove on the floor . He had been using the knife to cut up his dinner .