- 在巴黎世家时装展上,模特们上身在薄薄的衣服上套上明亮翻领的羊毛大衣,下面穿着小短裤,像是泡了一夜吧的坏女孩刚刚走进办公室。
- At the balenciaga show , models came out in the high-in-the-sky penthouse area wearing wool coats with bright lapels over filmy dresses made decent by shorts , looking like bad girls who had just come into the office after a night of clubbing .
- 社交网站bebo的女发言人虽然排除了海滩装,但表示:“雅致而剪裁考究的短裤是可以的。”
- While a spokeswoman at bebo , the social networking site , rules out beachwear , " smart tailored shorts would work , " she says .
- 老师很快把他带到楼下让他把裤子烘干,并给他换上了一条运动短裤。
- The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out .