- 知识产权的价值受多种因素影响而不易确定,应当建立具备专业知识的知识产权评估师制度并完善专门性法律规范和评估方法。
- The value of intellectual property is affected by many factors and is hardly to be ascertained . A system of intellectual property right assessor with sufficient professional knowledge should be established and special legal regulations and rules of assessment should be concluded .
- 新闻发言人孙军工在最高法总部说,知识产权案件承办数量大幅增加说明,法院已经日益成为知识产权纠纷的主要解决渠道。
- ' The substantial increase in intellectual property caseload shows that the courts have increasingly become the primary channel for resolution of intellectual property disputes , ' spokesman sun jungong said at the court 's headquarters .
- 近代民法典的结构是在罗马法体系基础上的改造,知识产权立法与近代民法典未能发生历史的机缘;现代民法典编纂运动尝试接纳知识产权制度,但至今尚无成功的立法例。
- The structure of modem civil code is based on roman legal system , and excludes intellectual property law . The current movement of civil legal codification has tried to include intellectual property law in it , but has not succeeded yet .