- 鲍迪:对我启发最大的是"三人行,必有我师焉",我平时比较骄傲,不肯向别人学习,总喜欢拿自己的长处去比别人的短处.
- Bowditch : the biggest inspiration for me is the " three-line , must be my teacher yan , " comparison of ^ I usually pride , refuse to learn from others , likes to take their own strengths to weaknesses than others .
- 绝不认为你从别的地方学不到东西。
- Never think you have nothing to learn from others .
- 敬拜者可以向别人学习而圣灵是大家的老师及向导。
- Worshipers learn from others and the holy spirit is their teacher and guide .