- 当第三只眼打开之后您或许会有不寻常的体验,也许在你打开这个体内精神力量中心之前你会想要了解一下。
- After the third eye opening you may get some unusual experiences which you may want to know about before the opening of this chakra .
- 我希望我没有打消你开启第三只眼的念头。
- I hope that I did not discourage you from the third eye opening .
- 2007年的试验结果令人眼界大开:染色体窝藏许多以前没有料到的网络,不同的蛋白质结合,可能的基因调控或发生作用的引子。
- The 2007 pilot results were eye-opening : chromosomes harbored many previously unsuspected sites where various proteins bound-possible hotbeds of gene regulation or epigenetic effects .