- 不过,他和麦扎克2人都告诫说,研究人员必须找到一种只与睾丸中brdt蛋白互相作用的化合物而且,它不影响brd4和在大多数身体细胞中存在的相关蛋白质在开始临床测试之前。
- But both he and matzuk caution that researchers need to find a new compound that interacts with only the testis protein brdt-and doesn 't affect brd4 or related proteins that are present in most of the body 's cells-before clinical tests can begin .
- 小儿隐睾提睾肌自主神经支配缺陷的超微结构研究。
- Study on the ultrastructure of autonomic innervation defect in cremasteric muscle of boys with undescended testis .
- 睾丸白膜鞘恶性间质细胞瘤是一种少见但致命的恶性肿瘤。
- Malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis is a rare but often fatal malignancy .
- 根据被抓获的希特勒的牙医助理的指认,头盖骨上尚存的颚骨与希特勒的牙齿病历也是般配的,而且他还只有一只睾丸。
- The remaining piece of jaw matched his dental records , according to his captured dental assistants . And there was only one testicle .
- 在不射精的情况下,男性存储于睾丸顶部的附睾中的精子增多。
- When men go without ejaculating , the number of sperm stored in the epididymis at the top of the testicle increases .
- 在孙子豆官的一只睾丸被一只饿狗咬掉之后,爷爷余占螯心忧如焚。
- Granddad yu is heartbroken after grandson douguan 's testicle is bitten off by one of the packs of dogs made feral by starvation .
- 阿比特龙通过干扰影响睾丸素分泌的酶的合成起作用。
- Abiraterone works by interfering with an enzyme involved in the production of testosterone .
- 减少睾丸激素水平则会让其避免那种风险。
- Turning down his testosterone level helps ward off that risk .
- 除了作为性荷尔蒙之外,睾丸素也控制着对冒险的喜好。
- Besides being a sex hormone , testosterone also governs appetite for risk .
- 访韩期间,他还分别会见了韩国外长金星焕与韩国统一部长官玄仁泽。
- During the visit to korea , he also met with south korean foreign minister and south korean unification minister jinxing huan ren xuan ze .
- 日产在上月推出了它的第一辆电动车,日产leaf,并吹嘘是世界上第一辆让人买得起的零排放汽车。
- The automaker 's first electric , the nissan leaf , was launched last month and is touted as the world 's first affordable ze .
- 在驶近新奥尔良的列车上,一个属于李将军部下的弗吉尼亚人连续遇到了博雷加德军队中的一个克里奥尔人。
- On ze train near new orleans a man of virginia , a man of general lee , he meet wiz a creole of ze troops of beauregard .