- 但是人们为什么认定移植能够显现人类特质呢?
- But why think that implantation confers personhood ?
- 植入方法也是简单易行的。
- Implantation is simple and routine .
- 组织移植物二尖瓣植入术。
- Implantation mitral valve with tissue graft .
- 需要用一个移动等效动作使用这个类法术能力,而且魂刃者必须支付该攻击模式的费用。
- This spell-like ability requires a move-equivalent action , and the soul knife must pay the cost of the attack mode to imbed it .
- 华为的雄心在美国受到了阻挠,因其可能在美国的电话网络中嵌入间谍软件,引起了安全部门的怀疑,同时,美国安全部门还阻止华为公司购买美国公司和阻挠竞标为电话运营商供货。
- Huwaei 's ambitions have been thwarted in the united states , where security services have raised suspicions it could imbed spyware on american telephone networks , and the company has been blocked from buying u. s.firms and obstructed in bids to supply phone carriers .
- 在品牌方面的复杂投资,能提高消费者对产物价值的感知,也使得他们更轻易识别和决议采办什么产物。
- Enormous investment in branding imbed a high perceived value of these offerings into the consciousness of target consumers and make it easy for them to recognize and decide what they want to buy .