- 在宾馆的泳池可以游几圈。
- Swim laps in the hotel pool .
- 来吧小老虎,和我一起游.
- Come my tiger , swim with me .
- 我真觉得她会游泳么?
- Did I think she could swim ?
- 眼花缭乱的步伐,忽隐忽现的霓虹灯,无疑不让这座新式城市充满了令人目眩的元素。
- The bewildering pace and flickering neon of this go-go city guarantee a bit of giddiness .
- 如果吉姆.克莱默的脾气不像小孩子那样阴晴不定,要讨厌他还真是不容易。
- It would be easy to dislike jim cramer if he didn 't have that childlike giddiness to him .
- 孟买锡安医院的医生说,几十个在临时病房就诊的病人都出现眩晕、呕吐和头痛的症状。
- Doctors at mumbai 's sion hospital say dozens of patients arrived at the casualty ward complaining of giddiness , vomiting and headaches .