- 死里逃生,johnabruzzi在队伍中缓慢行进着,与越狱团队交流眼神。
- Back from the " dead , " john abruzzi slowly walks in line , making eye contact with the escape crew .
- 今天给大家演示两款眼线的画法,魅惑眼妆轻松拥有。
- Demonstrate the brushwork of two looks line to everybody today , eye of evil spirit be puzzled makeup have easily .
- 他对色彩和线条的鉴赏力从未退化。
- His eye for colour and for line never wavered .
- 研究表明,昆虫的机制可以反向工程设计微型机,侦察战场,寻找被困在瓦砾中的受害者。
- Research suggests that the mechanics of insects can be reverse-engineered to design midget machines to scout battlefields and search for victims trapped in rubble .
- 这也就是为什么,如果我是一名nba教练,或是球探,抑或是总经理,我也会为他的战绩而兴奋整晚。
- And that 's why , if I were an nba coach or scout or gm , his remarkable success would keep me up at night .
- 在离灌木丛三十米远的地方,这名塔利班侦察员调转车头沿着沙漠公路加速逃跑。
- Thirty metres across the scrub , the taliban scout turned his machine and accelerated away along a desert track .