- 不过,有一位重要的圣诞老人缺席了此次会议,他就是芬兰的圣诞老人。因为拒绝承认真正的圣诞老人来自格陵兰岛上,他们已经连续多年抵制这一会事。
- One noticeable absentee , however , is the finnish santa , who has boycotted the event for years over his refusal to acknowledge that the one true santa is the one from greenland .
- 根据和根据所证明的东西乃是同一的内容,两者的区别仅是单纯的自我关系和中介性或被设定的存在的形式区别。
- The ground and what is grounded are one and the same content : the difference between the two is the mere difference of form which separates simple self relation , one the one hand , from mediation , or derivativeness on the other .
- 即使计划生育政策对生育率的降低未起到作用,诸如“多一个孩子,多一个坟墓”这样一些不断重复的宣传口号也协助着将只养育一个孩子变成一种社会范式,使生育率降低到人口更替水平之下。
- And even had the one-child policy done nothing to reduce births , the endless reiteration of slogans like " one more baby means one more tomb " would have helped to make the sole child a social norm , pushing fertility below the level at which a population reproduces itself .