- 将一点点芥末粉加到洗脚盆里有助于杀死灭运动员脚部的真菌。
- A bit of mustard powder added to a footbath helps kill athlete 's foot fungus .
- 然后,他们利用了这种真菌特殊的遗传性特性。
- They then took advantage of the fungus 's unusual genetics .
- 美国科学家表示,一种树菌能够提供直接由车辆使用的绿色燃料。
- A tree fungus could provide green fuel that can be pumped directly into vehicle tanks , us scientists say .
- 混油处理后的真菌孢子同未处理的真菌孢子相比,有效杀蚊率提高50%。
- The combination of oil and fungal spores killed up to 50 percent more mosquito larvae than untreated spores .
- 这些伦敦市中心玻璃器皿上的真菌孢子引导着亚历山大.弗莱明在1928年首次发现了抗生素。
- Fungal spores that drifted through these windows in central london led alexander fleming to discover the first antibiotic in 1928 .
- 糖可以促进真菌和细菌生长,因此含有大量糖分的可口可乐能够增加阴道酵母和细菌感染的机会。
- Sugar facilitates fungal and bacterial growth , so the high sugar content of coca-cola could promote vaginal yeast and bacterial infections .