- 能力:能够清晰准确的交流,能深入理解用户和市场要求。
- Ability : ability to communicate clearly and concisely , ability to understand customer and market requirements thoroughly .
- 通过对功能主义人类学基本理论、基本观点、理论方法的分析,可更为全面、透彻地了解和掌握该人类学的思想体系。
- Through the analysis of the basic theories , basic thoughts and basic methods of functionalist anthropology , we can understand and master the thinking system of anthropology more thoroughly and deeply .
- 研究目标,研究历时事件是看不到共时状态的,就如同单点的研究再透澈,也绝对不可能理解投影几何。
- Studying objects , that is to say diachronic events , will give us no insight into synchronic states , any more than we can hope to understand geometrical projections simply by studying , however thoroughly , different kinds of object .