- 作为一个合格的板球裁判和受过培训的会计师,戴维斯应该有一个更加清醒的判断。
- Mr davis , an accountant by training and a qualified cricket umpire , is generally given to more sober judgments .
- 住在伦敦北部的威尔逊,并不了解该课程在金融城里有多么受欢迎,直到他的会计师告诉他为止。
- Based in the north , mr wilson had no idea how popular the classes had become in the city until his accountant told him .
- 自由民主党的赫姆斯先生是温良恭谨的会计师。
- Mr hames , the lib dem , is a mild-mannered accountant .