- 在世的人中你最鄙视谁?
- Which living person do you most despise ?
- 他们害怕并且鄙视男性化。
- They fear and despise the masculine .
- 读者决不能嘲笑或者轻视这个国家的使节。
- The reader is not invited to mock or despise these envoys of the state .
- 许多乘客蔑视其诡辩的规则。
- Many passengers scorn its pettifogging rules .
- 塞麦尔韦斯不仅不被当代人的所理解,而且还受到了赤裸裸的鄙视。
- Semmelweis didn 't just have the disregard of his contemporaries , he had their flat-out scorn .
- 内塔尼亚胡对哈马斯的憎恶有情可原,但他不应蔑视巴勒斯坦内部的和解。
- Mr netanyahu 's loathing of hamas is understandable , yet he is wrong to scorn palestinian reconciliation .