- 研究表明,如果你的朋友挠她的眉毛或者交叉着手臂,很可能你会不假思索地模仿她的姿势。
- If your friend scratches her eyebrow or crosses her arms , studies suggest , odds are you 'll unthinkingly mimic the gesture .
- 她想要滔滔不决时你挑眉,问她:要不要在床上说?
- When she says she wants to talk more , raise an eyebrow and ask her if she 'd like to talk in bed ?
- 儿子罗南看着我,一边的眉毛抬着,眼神明亮有神。
- My son , ronan , looks at me and raises one eyebrow . His eyes are bright and focused .