- 不相交差族的存在性。
- The existence of disjoint difference family .
- 没有找到公共父节点,不能在分离的参数上操作。
- No common parent found , unable to operate on disjoint arguments .
- 这就造成室内设计中普遍存在着光与空间设计相脱节的现象。
- This will ubiquitously induces the disjoint phenomenon between the light and space design .
- 思科如今将可供应移动运营商所需的全部设备,只有向这些运营商发送无线电信号的手机和其它装置除外。
- Cisco will now be able to supply equipment for handling everything apart from radio signals to the cellular companies .
- 由于收入被榨干了,唱片公司会越来越不情愿在新艺人身上投资,当然那些已经通过电视选秀赢得观众群的除外。
- As revenues dry up , record companies are becoming unwilling to invest in young artists , apart from those who have built an audience by winning talent shows on television .
- 轻松、自信、机智,普林斯乐于当众大谈特谈任何话题,但是他自己除外。
- Relaxed , self-confident and witty , mr prince is happy to talk about pretty much anything in public , apart from himself .