- 中苏冲突是各种因素集合的产物,它们相互交织,相互影响。
- Sino-soviet conflicts were the aggregative results of many factors , they were mutual intertexture and influence .
- 僧侣和武士曾经相互影响,佛教禅宗在武士和政客的训练过程中发生过重大作用,对于日本民族独特的生死观念产生了深刻的影响,并成为武士道发生的重要精神根源。
- The mutual influence between monk and cavalier , together with the important role buddhism played in the training of cavalier and politician , has deep impact on the unique concept of life and death of japanese nationality , which becomes the essential mental source of bushido .
- 在盆腔器官炎症中,以输卵管炎最常见,由于解剖部位相互邻近的关系,往往输卵管炎、卵巢炎、盆腔腹膜炎同时并存且相互影响。
- In the pelvic cavity organ inflammation , is most common by the salpingitis , because the anatomic site is close to mutually the relations , often the salpingitis , the oophoritis , the pelvic cavity peritonitis simultaneously coexists , and mutual influence .