- 上帝关心好人的福祉;但是大自然是人力不能控制的,是一视同仁的破坏者。
- God cares about the well-being of good people ; nature is blind , an equal-opportunity destroyer .
- 眼底出血种类繁多,又复杂多变,是临床常见而且容易造成失明的眼底病,且有吸收缓慢,疗程迁延、并发症多,致盲率高的病理特点[2]。
- I bleed according to the eye ground having sorption slowly , the course of treatment defers , complication is more , cause rates blind high characteristics , I and the family all bring about extremely large effect as well as the person falls ill to the patient .
- 观察人士表示,多数公司都睁一只眼闭一只眼,因为很多酒鬼工作都做得相当不错。
- Observers say most firms turn a blind eye , as many alcoholics function perfectly well at work .