- 这些孩子会盯着电视看,还会对其指手画脚。
- The children stare at the tv and even point to it .
- 202012年的小小建议:别盯着软木塞看。
- 20 Resolution for 2012 : don 't stare at the cork .
- 他们的双眼凝视着一道无情的光芒。
- Their blank eyes stare at a harsh unforgiving light .
- 她惊讶地瞪着他看。
- She stared at him in surprise .
- 约翰吃惊地盯着他。
- John stared at him in surprise .
- 沃斯布施专心致志的盯着屏幕。
- Waschbusch stared intently at the screen .